Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday's Blog; into isms

The first time the matter entered my mind, the trigger was an exhibition on view in Austin, Texas, held at the Harry Ransom Art Center, part of the University of Texas on historical documents dealing with the world of ISMS. According to Eugene O. Golob, in his book, The Isms, A History and Evaluation, Harper & Brothers New York, 1954, Ism words define ideological concepts and are part of a lexicon of word endings with political, controversial and theoretical leanings.

I had always been fascinated by suffixes such as ...ism, ...ology,, ...ation and more that add certain assigned meaning to the words in each category.  Thus began my collection of such words and categories with hours spent delving into research on the matter. Not surprisingly, there exists a vast store of material before me. These include many essays, surveys and books on the subject, a society of ism lovers, and a vast storage of artwork including my own. 

The Ransom Center alone should not be missed. They can boast of a long and rich history of research in the arts, breakthrough discoveries, brilliant exhibits and the Center offers access to the public for one's own study. Their web site is

This image is a photo of one of the pieces featured in the exhibit I observed, referring to dates of origin of the listed words. 

The trend continues. I constantly encounter "ism" endings of words that seem to be spontaneously created by a writer to serve a particular purpose in their meaning. A couple of recently encountered ism words include Purposfulism and texturalism.

My intent in today's message is to introduce the topic of categories of suffix as an occasional subject for my Monday Blog and to offer and share my fascination with word development through the ages and ongoing as we read. I hope it will offer wondrous, humorous words for thought for you, my readers. 


Cathy H said...

Hi Carol! Happy Thanksgiving and joy and peace and love to you and Paul and your whole clan! Regarding isms, I immediately think of "racism", "fundamentalism", "sexism", "truism" - not sure that counts ;-) - "agism". Maybe we need FEWER isms that categorize too broadly. Love you. Me

Ellen said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Carole and Paul. The-ism of 2015 is "radical Islamism" two words are so called commander-in-chief won't even say.