Trump. I am so reluctant to even acknowledging his acceptance in our country. A folk hero perhaps, an unlikely presidential personality in my mind, to try to run our great country. We should be engaging in what it takes to reach new heights of greatness, getting us back on track as leaders in this world. Trump Tromps on everyone and people smile and embrace him? They even believe he misheard the question about David Duke. I don't buy it. The media facilitates the enlargement of his image. The European media calls him a joker, a Donald Duck (Spain), a smiling demagogue, (France) The stuff of Fantasy (Germany), the USA, a country in a Momentary lapse of reason, (Helsinki).
Yes, the Republicans, the Democrats have their troubles too. I have a minute long deadline and everyone knows the stories, so why rant on about the familiar?
Perhaps a moment for a COCKEYED smile and a bit of lightness.
Mostly I have been long distraught over the sparse or complete lack this year of diversity in the Oscar hullabaloo. An then a black master of ceremonies, a slap in the face?? He was brave and entertaining I imagine.
The debates, not one mention during last weeks Republican events of those slaughtered in Kalamazoo, Mich. a few days before the debate or the 3 shot in Hesston, Ka during the debate, nor broaching policy statements about gun control. My ire is on fire.
The migrants and their suffering around the world. Climate control denial and lack of quick environmental action, I am done listing. We all have our worries, concerns, hopes and prayers and insights into the world as it changes course. I just had to express my mind and try to calm down and enjoy people around me, the day and my fortunate and adventuresome life style. I just hope there is a Deus Ex Machina coming our way to get this society back on track.
“The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.”
― William Blake
― William Blake