Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday's Blog; Optimist in me

Klu Klux Klan. Silly me, I truly thought that this terror group was defunct, only to be replaced by other equally terrifying groups. Recent events in Anaheim, CA instantly caught my attention. Are we back in the 30's 40's 50's? Such shameful killing, suffering and to what purpose?  This is the latest in the long list of dysfunction in our society and disruption in moving to a more settled country let along the world.

Trump. I am so reluctant to even acknowledging his acceptance in our country. A folk hero perhaps, an unlikely presidential personality  in my mind, to try to run our great country. We should be engaging in what it takes to reach new heights of greatness, getting us back on track as leaders in this world. Trump Tromps on everyone and people smile and embrace him? They even believe he misheard the question about David Duke.  I don't buy it. The media facilitates the enlargement of his image. The European media calls him a joker, a Donald Duck (Spain), a smiling demagogue, (France) The stuff of Fantasy (Germany), the USA, a country in a Momentary lapse of reason, (Helsinki).

Yes, the Republicans, the Democrats have their troubles too. I have a minute long deadline and everyone knows the stories, so why rant on about the familiar?
Perhaps a moment for a COCKEYED smile and a bit of lightness.

 Go Back > Gallery For > Optimistic Clipart

The Oscars; I frankly have not watched for years. I can pick up the list of winners on the news. I am so dubious about the word winning. what does it mean in so many contexts--winning a debate, winning a lottery, winning at the game table, winning--an often misapplied bit of terminology. Firstly, in the face of so many wonderful, over the top films, how can just one shine in all of the categories covered?

Mostly I have been long distraught over the sparse or complete lack this year of diversity in the Oscar hullabaloo. An then a black master of ceremonies, a slap in the face?? He was brave and entertaining I imagine.

The debates, not one mention during last weeks Republican events of those slaughtered in Kalamazoo, Mich. a few days before the debate or the 3 shot in Hesston, Ka during the debate, nor broaching policy statements about gun control. My ire is on fire.

The migrants and their suffering around the world. Climate control denial and lack of quick environmental action, I am done listing. We all have our worries, concerns, hopes and prayers and insights into the world as it changes course. I just had to express my mind and try to calm down and enjoy people around me, the day and my fortunate and adventuresome life style.  I just hope there is a Deus Ex Machina coming our way to get this society back on track.

“The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.”
― William Blake

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday's Blog, Loving support

There was no Monday's Blog posting last week. After the loss of my dear brother Arthur, I was not yet able to share but am so grateful for all or your wonderful messages of support. I thank you all for those messages of support and solace not to forget the hugs. There is such comfort in knowing that people care and can express that care freely and with such love and that we can reciprocate in kind and make a difference in people's lives. 

Our friends and family members are a great source of love and support when facing difficult times. It isn't news that an endless number of established support systems and help groups exist, covering every phase of life. Many people choose to become part of a group, meetings that provide a steady and comfortable atmosphere to share and mend our inner souls.  I do not wish to "preach to the choir,"  Everyone of us has been buoyed up by friends and family member's kind and loving words. Everyone of us has returned in kind, solace and support to our friends and family. 

Here are two responses from people extolling the love and caring received from their experience;

I (Jerry) have lived with depression from around 7 or 8 years old — but I wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my twenties. As a child, I coped the best I could, functioning somewhat underneath it. I tried many anti depressant medications for years and none worked for me.”

Finally, in my forties and married with children, I was still depressed. My wife insisted I seek professional help. The first urge was to resist help and live with it. Finally, I gave in to keep peace and placate my family. The doctor suggested a different medication and this time it helped a lot. I decided to try and I became active in a support group, a tremendous help to me. The sharing, the hugs, the love, the caring and knowing I was not alone, made such a difference in my life and that of my family members. How lucky I have been to have such caring support.”

A Poem

It is not the matter of waiting
for the pain of grief to wane
it is allowing for the possibility
can and do


I have benefited greatly from the impromptu care and support among friends and family such as in my recent experiences as well as group support as the years have passed. What wonder to be able to receive such messages of love and support and to return them in kind as others need our help. It is a central core of Humanity.

Next week, hopefully onto other topics and hopefully some humor.
Thanks everyone

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." ~Mother Teresa

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Monday's Blog, My Heavy Heart

I am sad today. My beloved brother Arthur passed away after a prolonged illness wrapped in the arms of his family, his beautiful wife Natalie, son Moshe and his loving wife Joyce and daughter Erica and the beloved grandchildren. If only every one on earth could be so lucky and so well loved as my brother Arthur.

He was an "older" brother by 13 years and my only sibling. Such fond memories I have stashed in my mind. I have written of him before and so enjoyed feedback from you, my many readers, of your siblings and family and your fond memories. Life is rich. We cherish each minute on this lovely earth. 

Until next week's blog, be well all,
Ann Carol