The 9 year old grandkid snuffled a complaint to his grandma, "Socks and undies, Undies and socks. That's what I get for Christmas. Socks and undies, undies and socks. It's not fair.
The 10 year old grandkid snuffled again in complaint to his grandma. She thought she heard him utter "Year after year, it's not fair, every year, socks and undies. Undies and socks. I 'm just a kid. Toys and stuff are what I want." So she reminded him, "hey you get those things from others. How would it feel to go outside in the cold with no warm and funky socks to hug your feet?"
An epiphany she had, the very next year. How about packaging the socks as a fooler. So, into the box went the socks and undies in a BIG box with old toy blocks to give it some weight and mystery.
The 11 year old grandkid picked up each package giving it a shake. Sure enough, grandma's was the first he opened. Well trained by his Ma, he uttered a polite and requisite thanks. But, his dark eyes stood wide open in disbelief. He was fooled, there were the socks and undies in the box with old toy blocks.
The 12 year old found rocks in the box. Socks and undies, undies and socks tied together to blocks in the box.
The 13 year old pulled out hand weights wrapped in the socks and undies. "Hey not bad. I can add these to my weight set, but I still have socks and undies, undies and socks.
In his 14 year he was sure he felt books in the box. No deal, socks and undies, undies and socks. No books found, but no more rocks.
Now the grandkid is older, savvy to the world, grateful for what he has. Memories of his loving grandma. Warm feet and a parade of socks and undies to take him through life and just maybe he will give his grandkids foolers for the holidays.